Artist Statement


With my visual work I want to bring people together. My purpose is to create links between us. To create the space to talk about the things we all have in common, the most universal things like family ties, cultural identity, the sense of belonging… I feel humanity's fate is to forget and that’s why my work invites us all to remember. I am fascinated by the stories that hide behind the objects and why people keep them, cherish them, guard them, collect them... Still life for me is an excuse to explore the human being and the social ties that we all build and need to keep.
Photography is the best medium of expression I have to capture the life that resides in people and objects. I often use long-time exposure in the studio. I give a careful, silent look and I take the necessary time for the subjects to be observed and for people to feel comfortable being seen. It is my way to communicate my view against the speed that rules our lives in society today. When we take the time to look, to reflect, to share, we fight against the absurd machinery of contemporary production that constantly manufactures images with incredible rapidity, images that will fall into oblivion a few seconds later. This intimacy is worth being observed because it is at the same time universal; it does not belong to a single individual, but rather to the whole humanity.

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